Graduate of the Royal Musical High School in Ghent (B).
Started immediately after this ordeal as a technical assistant at The Globe some years ago and has blossomed since then.
His love for soundscapes, open melody and slightly ‘leftfield’ arrangements make him an asset in every songwriting process. Fast to pick up a vibe and daring enough to move the goalposts.
Combine all that with a clear knowledge of the mixing process.
Pre-production & programming:
Katherine Jenkins, Clouseau, Kaye Styles, Andrei Lugovski, NoExp, Guillaume Devos, David Vandyck, The Sunsets, Musichall, Ingeborg, Tatyana Storm, ...
Songwriting & co-writing:
Kaye Styles, Eline De Munck, NoExp, Quynh Ahn, Aileen De La Cruz, Pim Smit, Anneke van Hooff, Jeason, Tatyana Storm, Gordellied 2010, ...